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SkillsForge Programme

Our Employers Recognition Programme to promote best practices in professional development of workforce

SkillsForge Programme Framework

In order to be recognised by SkillsForge Programme, each employer must undergo a rigorous assessment and meet the benchmarks mentioned in our framework.

What is SkillsForge Programme Framework?

The SkillsForge Programme Framework provides detailed guidance for potential members seeking recognition as employers. With a commitment to supporting continued improvement and advancement, this framework outlines the benchmarks against which all applications will be thoroughly assessed.

Employers wishing to join the SkillsForge Programme must meet all of the following benchmarks:

Benchmarks Possible Supporting Documents*

B1. Possession of a clearly defined organisational structure delineating roles and responsibilities for the professional development of employees

  • Organisational structure/chart detailing the hierarchy and roles/responsibilities in relation to professional development of employees
  • Training manuals, guides or other documents in relation to professional development clearly identifying who the responsible person is

B2. Possession of documented policies and procedures ensuring the employees’ professional development

  • Copies of all related policies and procedures
    The names of these policies might differ; it’s the content that we are interested in

B3. Establishment of a structured performance management system coupled with a systematic feedback system to foster continuous improvement

  • Performance management policy
  • Performance appraisal forms
  • Policies, procedures or templates evidencing how feedback is provided to the employees
  • Training records
  • Employee handbook

B4. Integration of staff development into the organisation's strategic planning processes

  • Mission, vision and values of the organisation
  • Minutes of staff meetings at the strategic level, including any action plans
B5. Availability of relevant resources to support CPD initiatives effectively
  • Pictures of available resources such as training facilities
  • Virtual tour of online resources
  • Evidence of subscriptions
  • Evidence that budget allocations are specifically designated for CPD activities
  • Inventory of resources available for employee development, such as training materials, software licences, or training facilities

B6. Considering emerging technologies when planning CPD activities in various settings

  • Records of investments in technology infrastructure to support CPD, such as learning management systems or virtual training platforms
    This is likely to be covered in B5. However, please feel free to provide additional evidence, as relevant.

B7. Providing appropriate support to employees in their professional development journey

  • Relevant policies and procedures
  • Examples of how this was implemented in practice
  • Feedback from employees regarding the effectiveness of support provided by the employer in supporting their CPD endeavours

B8. Promote a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion when implementing policies in relation to personal and professional development of workforce

  • This will be assessed through a confidential and anonymous questionnaire to be filled out by a minimum of 50% of your total workforce (a minimum of 5 employees must participate)

*The provided list represents possible evidence that employers can provide to demonstrate their compliance with the benchmarks outlined in the framework. However, other documents that serve as evidence of meeting the criteria are also acceptable.

How do I, as an employer, demonstrate that I meet these benchmarks?

Alongside the submission of the aforementioned documents, you will be required to complete a self-evaluation, consisting of between 1,000 and 2,000 words, addressing all the benchmarks outlined above. This self-evaluation will provide a comprehensive overview of how you fulfil the requirements set forth in the benchmarks.
On assessment of your completed application, you will be awarded one of the following grades for each of the eight benchmarks:
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Satisfactory
  • Requires improvement
You must get at least a Satisfactory grade against each Benchmark.
Recognition Level Silver





Good or excellent grade in at least any of the two benchmarks


At least Satisfactory grade in the remaining six benchmarks

Good or excellent grade in at least any of the four benchmarks


At least Satisfactory grade in the remaining four benchmarks

Good or excellent grade in at least any of the six benchmarks


At least Satisfactory grade in the remaining two benchmarks

For more clarification, please see our Guide for SkillsForge Programme