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CPD Endorsement

Empowering professional development through CPD Endorsement

Procedure for Applying for Endorsement

CPD Endorsed provides a straightforward, fair, and transparent procedure for accrediting your CPD activities. Our approach has become easier and cohesive as a result of the availability of user-friendly application forms, online submission choices, and clear step-by-step directions. A team of objective and qualified evaluations promotes the process’s fairness.

Explore our detailed guidelines for a comprehensive understanding of our Approval Standards for CPD Endorsement.

Application Process

A straightforward five-step application process

CPD Endorsed Provider
  • Step 1

    Get registered as a CPD Endorsed Training Provider

  • Step 2

    Get access to CPDE Hub and submit the complete application through our portal

  • Step 3

    Pay the application fee for your chosen CPD activity

  • Step 4

    Get access to the CPDE wizard
        Select the mode for CPD activity

      • Develop CPD manually
      • Develop CPD using AI assistance
      • Upload pre-developed CPD

  • Step 5

    Submit the CPD activity. A relevant industry expert will review your CPD activity and get back to you within 7-10 days.
       a. The CPD activity approved
       b. The CPD activity needs improvements*

      1. Improved CPD activity successfully meets the approval criteria: If the applicant makes the necessary improvements to the CPD activity, and meets the approval criteria upon re-evaluation, it will be approved.
      2. Improved CPD activity did not meet the approval criteria: If the improved CPD activity still does not meet the approval criteria, it will not be approved.
      3. CPD activity Rejected: If the application does not meet the required standards or approval criteria upon one-time resubmission, it will be rejected.

*This process ensures that training provider has an opportunity to improve their CPD activity if needed and provides transparency regarding the outcome of the review process.