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Continuing Professional Development VS Continuing Professional Education

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Have you ever felt somewhat confused by the acronyms CPD and CPE? Both terms are sometimes used interchangeably. But the real question is – What do they mean and is there a difference between them?

In this blog, we have mentioned the differences to help professionals understand any confusion these acronyms might create.

What is Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development referring to the investment you make in yourself and your career. One can make this investment by participating in seminars, webinars or conferences, helping you get the required knowledge and skills related to your job.

What is Continuous Professional Education (CPE)?

CPE stands for Continuing Professional Education and is a requirement for regulated professions to continue to develop via ongoing education. CPE is mandatory for these professions in order to maintain their registration or licensure.

Additionally, there are various distinctions including activities, scope and barriers, and credit or points which are as follows:


CPD includes a range of learning activities including formal and informal learning activities for holistic professional growth. However, CPE specifically refers to formal education programmes, e.g., accounting and finance.

For CPD, learners or professionals can drive their own learning and development; they can learn from experience, set personal development goals via SMART goals, or even reflect on their learning.

CPE, on the other hand, is often authorised by professional organisations and involves completing a certain number of approved education hours each year to maintain certification.


CPD is a broader term with a range of activities to help professionals excel in their careers. It includes both formal and informal (self-directed) learning activities like workshops, conferences, reviewing books or reading articles and journals.

On the other hand, CPE includes only formal learning meaning it is required by certain professions like law, nursing, or accountants only to keep themselves up to date with the latest regulations, requirements and industry standards; hence, maintaining their license or certification.


CPD and CPE can be a challenge or hurdle for many professionals due to time constraints or busy work schedules.

  • Many professionals find it hard to participate in CPD due to their busy schedules. For instance, teachers are already burdened with loads of work that they may struggle to find time for any CPD.
  • Another reason could be a lack of self-motivation. Burnout is real; when professionals have a lot on their plate and are overwhelmed, they feel discouraged to get other things done.
  • Beyond time constraints and lack of motivation, physical barriers such as financial limitations, lack of resources or travel distance to CPD events could exist.
  • Conferences or workshops can be expensive depending on their type and level. Therefore, it could be hard for some professionals to participate in CPD activities and enhance their knowledge.

CPD includes both formal and self-directed learning; it is not mandatory and any professional, regardless of their field can participate in a CPD event or activity.

On the other hand, this may not be true for CPE; regulated professionals must maintain their licensure. In doing so, individuals may face multiple challenges that may hinder their process of participating in a CPE event or activity.

  • Compared to CPD, CPE can be even more expensive because for certain professions it’s a requirement to complete CPE hours in order to maintain their certifications. The high cost of in-demand activities is a huge challenge;
  • With this, comes the travel or accommodation cost; often, learners have to travel to other cities or countries. In addition to the event cost, they have to cover this cost as well.
  • Additionally, finding relevant CPE can be difficult because most CPEs are not designed according to your requirements or preferences.
  • Organisations or institutions design CPE according to their own curriculum therefore, finding one that best aligns with your needs can be challenging.
  • Another major challenge could be the varying requirements of regulatory bodies, making it hard for individuals to navigate as some CPEs may not provide the depth and insight you look for.

Both CPD and CPE contribute to professional growth, to showcase the outcomes of professional growth it must be measured in certain ways.

Difference Between CPD & CPE

cpd vs cpe

How are the outcomes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuing Professional Education (CPE) measured?

CPD outcomes are measured by CPD credits or points, the number of hours spent on a CPD activity. Its impact is usually measured through the knowledge and understanding gained via CPD events or activities and to record CPD credits or points, the CPD log is structured way.

Similarly, the outcome of CPE is primarily measured by the number of credits earned. Professionals can show completion via certificates or documents proving they’ve fulfilled the credit hours mandated by professional regulations.

Earning CPD and CPE Points

CPD and CPE are both systems to earn certain points or credits that show professional ongoing learning.

CPD points can be earned through a range of activities like seminars, conferences or self-directed study. These activities only aim to broaden your professional skillset and knowledge.

On the other hand, CPE points are earned through a more formal and structured way of learning like formal courses, conferences or other events. These activities directly focus on enhancing the skills and understanding within a specific field or subject.


Continuing Professional Development and Continuing Professional Education both are important for ongoing learning; however, there are major differences.

CPD includes a range of both formal and informal activities required to enhance personal or professional skills. CPD is not mandatory and anyone can participate in CPD events as they see fit.

On the contrary, CPE includes only formal activities or events and is mandatory for professionals to show evidence of CPE points earned via these activities. CPE helps professionals to maintain their certification, licensure or registration.

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Have you ever felt somewhat confused by the acronyms CPD and CPE? Both terms are sometimes used interchangeably. But the real question is – What do they mean and is there a difference between them?

In this blog, we have mentioned the differences to help professionals understand any confusion these acronyms might create.

What is Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development referring to the investment you make in yourself and your career. One can make this investment by participating in seminars, webinars or conferences, helping you get the required knowledge and skills related to your job.

What is Continuous Professional Education (CPE)?

CPE stands for Continuing Professional Education and is a requirement for regulated professions to continue to develop via ongoing education. CPE is mandatory for these professions in order to maintain their registration or licensure.

Additionally, there are various distinctions including activities, scope and barriers, and credit or points which are as follows:


CPD includes a range of learning activities including formal and informal learning activities for holistic professional growth. However, CPE specifically refers to formal education programmes, e.g., accounting and finance.

For CPD, learners or professionals can drive their own learning and development; they can learn from experience, set personal development goals via SMART goals, or even reflect on their learning.

CPE, on the other hand, is often authorised by professional organisations and involves completing a certain number of approved education hours each year to maintain certification.


CPD is a broader term with a range of activities to help professionals excel in their careers. It includes both formal and informal (self-directed) learning activities like workshops, conferences, reviewing books or reading articles and journals.

On the other hand, CPE includes only formal learning meaning it is required by certain professions like law, nursing, or accountants only to keep themselves up to date with the latest regulations, requirements and industry standards; hence, maintaining their license or certification.


CPD and CPE can be a challenge or hurdle for many professionals due to time constraints or busy work schedules.

  • Many professionals find it hard to participate in CPD due to their busy schedules. For instance, teachers are already burdened with loads of work that they may struggle to find time for any CPD.
  • Another reason could be a lack of self-motivation. Burnout is real; when professionals have a lot on their plate and are overwhelmed, they feel discouraged to get other things done.
  • Beyond time constraints and lack of motivation, physical barriers such as financial limitations, lack of resources or travel distance to CPD events could exist.
  • Conferences or workshops can be expensive depending on their type and level. Therefore, it could be hard for some professionals to participate in CPD activities and enhance their knowledge.

CPD includes both formal and self-directed learning; it is not mandatory and any professional, regardless of their field can participate in a CPD event or activity.

On the other hand, this may not be true for CPE; regulated professionals must maintain their licensure. In doing so, individuals may face multiple challenges that may hinder their process of participating in a CPE event or activity.

  • Compared to CPD, CPE can be even more expensive because for certain professions it’s a requirement to complete CPE hours in order to maintain their certifications. The high cost of in-demand activities is a huge challenge;
  • With this, comes the travel or accommodation cost; often, learners have to travel to other cities or countries. In addition to the event cost, they have to cover this cost as well.
  • Additionally, finding relevant CPE can be difficult because most CPEs are not designed according to your requirements or preferences.
  • Organisations or institutions design CPE according to their own curriculum therefore, finding one that best aligns with your needs can be challenging.
  • Another major challenge could be the varying requirements of regulatory bodies, making it hard for individuals to navigate as some CPEs may not provide the depth and insight you look for.

Both CPD and CPE contribute to professional growth, to showcase the outcomes of professional growth it must be measured in certain ways.

Difference Between CPD & CPE

cpd vs cpe

How are the outcomes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuing Professional Education (CPE) measured?

CPD outcomes are measured by CPD credits or points, the number of hours spent on a CPD activity. Its impact is usually measured through the knowledge and understanding gained via CPD events or activities and to record CPD credits or points, the CPD log is structured way.

Similarly, the outcome of CPE is primarily measured by the number of credits earned. Professionals can show completion via certificates or documents proving they’ve fulfilled the credit hours mandated by professional regulations.

Earning CPD and CPE Points

CPD and CPE are both systems to earn certain points or credits that show professional ongoing learning.

CPD points can be earned through a range of activities like seminars, conferences or self-directed study. These activities only aim to broaden your professional skillset and knowledge.

On the other hand, CPE points are earned through a more formal and structured way of learning like formal courses, conferences or other events. These activities directly focus on enhancing the skills and understanding within a specific field or subject.


Continuing Professional Development and Continuing Professional Education both are important for ongoing learning; however, there are major differences.

CPD includes a range of both formal and informal activities required to enhance personal or professional skills. CPD is not mandatory and anyone can participate in CPD events as they see fit.

On the contrary, CPE includes only formal activities or events and is mandatory for professionals to show evidence of CPE points earned via these activities. CPE helps professionals to maintain their certification, licensure or registration.

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