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Cookies Policy

Cookies are used to remember information about your visit to this site.

Some of these cookies are required for the site to function properly, while others provide us information into how the site is being used and allow us to enhance your experience.

In this policy, we detail the types of cookies we employ and why. It also details the cookies we use and how you may manage your cookie settings.

Our intention is that this policy will clarify our cookie use and inspire your trust in us. Please get in touch with us if you have any more questions.


A cookie is a small text file that a website saves to your computer so that it can remember your activities and preferences across pages when you return to that site. In order to make websites functional in a more useful and efficient manner, cookies are often utilised. Sites can recognise you and keep track of information that will make your next visit easier by reading and writing to these files (e.g. by remembering your user preferences).

The majority of browsers are set up to accept cookies automatically, however you can change this setting to prevent your browser from saving cookies if you prefer not to share your browsing habits in this manner. Some of the site’s features may stop working as a result of this.


Cookies used by CPD Endorsed:


Necessary Cookies

Necessary cookies are those required for the operation of the website and cannot be disabled by the user. Cookies of this kind do not gather information that might be used to identify you or track your browsing activities.

Analytical Cookies

The data gathered and presented by analytical cookies allows us to fine-tune the site to user preferences and needs. For instance, analytics cookies might tell us which of our sites are the most visited. The data acquired by analytics cookies is aggregated and anonymous and in no case may be used to identify a specific user.

Marketing Cookies

To make sure you only see ads that are really relevant to you, we use marketing cookies. The purpose of these is to tailor advertisements to your preferences and/or to control how often you are shown the same ad while browsing different websites. These cookies may be used to analyse traffic and determine which ads perform best.